Jill's Crumbs

WELCOME to this on-line journal of my thoughts and of the events of our lives written for my children, near and far. And now featuring the work-in-progress curriculum guide for the Titus 2 Institute.

Location: Catonsville, Maryland

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Church Search Update 6

The vestry of Bishop Cummins (Baltimore) has invited Pop and me for a social visit. We will be flying north next Tuesday morning, Dec. 20, and returning on the afternoon of the following day--the same day we're expecting Matt, Jon and Nate to arrive from Indiana. We have already met 5 members of the vestry who are also serving on the search committee. There are about 10 we have not yet met. The vestry is the committee actually charged with calling and hiring the pastor.

If they like us they will almost certainly invite Pop back to preach and meet the congregation in the near future. If we like them, he will agree to go.

Pop had a phone interview with a PCA church in Danville, KY about a week and a half ago, but we have not heard from them since.



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