Jill's Crumbs

WELCOME to this on-line journal of my thoughts and of the events of our lives written for my children, near and far. And now featuring the work-in-progress curriculum guide for the Titus 2 Institute.

Location: Catonsville, Maryland

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Colorado Crums

Here's a photo of Jess, Peter, Jude, Ashley, and Aravis taken behind their home in Colorado Springs on our recent visit. With beautiful weather for camping, the two tents in the backyard accomodated the boys from Jonathan down to Jude, while the other adults and the girls slept in the house. Meals were eaten in shifts, at times, and often al fresco. Jude is entering 2nd grade this fall; Ashley will be in 1st grade; and Aravis is looking forward to Kindergarten!???



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