Jill's Crumbs

WELCOME to this on-line journal of my thoughts and of the events of our lives written for my children, near and far. And now featuring the work-in-progress curriculum guide for the Titus 2 Institute.

Location: Catonsville, Maryland

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Haiku and Birthday Snow

Reading back over my recent posts I realize I need to update two more things.

It snowed on Pop's birthday--making it a perfect day. In fact, it began snowing on his birthday and snowed overnight with an accumulation of over a foot! The snow's gone now, but it was wonderful while it lasted. (And, of course, we enjoyed snow ice cream!)

Ben thought he was reading an update haiku, but was disappointed.
Here is a haiku that may satisfy.

Hurray for Aldi.
Feed the whole team for less and
Get the quarter back!

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Blogger Nate said...

That was always the best part..."getting the quarter back."

2:47 AM  
Blogger Martha said...

Jill, I tried to e-mail this to you, but it didn't go through.

A Haiku for you!

We love Aunt Jill Crum
Her kids are fun to play with
We'd like to visit

11:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i liked the great pun
that you slipped in so slyly
so precarious.

9:24 PM  

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