Jill's Crumbs

WELCOME to this on-line journal of my thoughts and of the events of our lives written for my children, near and far. And now featuring the work-in-progress curriculum guide for the Titus 2 Institute.

Location: Catonsville, Maryland

Monday, July 24, 2006


I've had my school books for the coming year for several weeks now. In bits and spurts I've been working on "classroom procedures and policies" and lesson plans. I've come to the conclusion that there is no way for me to be amply prepared for September. I need to get up to speed on Latin; select the key people and events of the Middle Ages and Renaissance that I really want to highlight (beside famous artists); learn how to teach Shurley grammar; and write 3 lectures for each of 16 biology modules. So, am I motivated by all this work to get up early in the morning and burn the midnight oil? Do I work all day long, studying and preparing?

I have discovered that what I suspected all along is true. I am miserable at making myself do in advance what needs to be done for the future. My unspoken motto has been "Don't do today what you can put off for tomorrow."

I wish there was a positive, spiritual message to end this post. I wish I could tell you how I have pulled myself up with determination and self-discipline. But, the message would be false. So, instead, I will confess my sins and faults; ask you to pray for me; and resolve, with the Lord's help, to pick myself up and do the next thing.



Blogger Kim said...

I was shamed into getting out my own teacher versions and beginning to plan. hope your planning has progressed and God has given you a great deal of wisdom in how to teach your various subjects/students.

7:15 PM  

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