Jill's Crumbs

WELCOME to this on-line journal of my thoughts and of the events of our lives written for my children, near and far. And now featuring the work-in-progress curriculum guide for the Titus 2 Institute.

Location: Catonsville, Maryland

Sunday, August 27, 2006

News from South Africa

I published a short account of my phone conversation with Ben today on the Crum Family Blog. If I can figure out how to post it here, too, I will. Until then, let me encourage you to go there to read it. (And if anyone can walk me through the steps of posting it here, please do so. Thanks!)



Blogger Matthew R. Crum said...

Simple copy and paste from one "create post" box to another is the fastest way I can think of to post in two places. Ctrl-C copies, Ctrl-V pastes. Another option is to link one blog to another. In the "create post" box there is a link option that will allow you to type in a web address, highlight, and select link to insert.

12:48 AM  

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